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ry.hk - https://whois.zunmi.com/?d=ry.hk

Whois server by HKIRC
.hk top level Domain names can be registered via HKIRC-Accredited Registrars.
Go to https://www.hkirc.hk/content.jsp?id=280 for details.

Domain Name: RY.HK

Domain Status: Active

DNSSEC: unsigned

Contract Version: Refer to registrar

Active variants

Inactive variants


Registrar Contact Information: Email:[email protected]

Reseller: Registrar Organization:ERANET INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Registrar City:Hongkong Registrar Phone:+852-35685366 Registrar FAX:+852-35637160 Registrar E-mail:support@tnet.hk Registrar Website:www.tnet.hk www.eranet.com

Registrant Contact Information:

Company English Name (It should be the same as the registered/corporation name on your Business Register Certificate or relevant documents): RY LIMITED
Company Chinese name: RY LIMITED
Address: RM 1902 EASEY COMM BLDG 253-261 HENNESSY RD WANCHAI 999077
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Email: [email protected]
Domain Name Commencement Date: 28-01-2013
Expiry Date: 28-01-2032
Re-registration Status: Complete

Administrative Contact Information:

Given name: YU
Family name: CHENG
Company name: RY LIMITED
Address: RM 1902 EASEY COMM BLDG 253-261 HENNESSY RD WANCHAI 999077
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Phone: +852-56025111
Fax: +852-56025111
Email: [email protected]

Account Name: HK9834009T

Technical Contact Information:

Given name: YU
Family name: CHENG
Company name: RY LIMITED
Address: RM 1902 EASEY COMM BLDG 253-261 HENNESSY RD WANCHAI 999077
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Phone: +852-56025111
Fax: +852-56025111
Email: [email protected]

Name Servers Information:


Status Information:

Domain Prohibit Status:

The Registry contains ONLY .com.hk, .net.hk, .edu.hk, .org.hk,
.gov.hk, idv.hk. and .hk $domains.

WHOIS Terms of Use
By using this WHOIS search enquiry service you agree to these terms of use.
The data in HKDNR's WHOIS search engine is for informational purposes only and HKDNR does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. The data is provided to assist people obtaining information about the registration record of domain names registered by HKDNR. You agree to use the data for lawful purposes only.

In light of the General Data Protection Regulation, HKIRC reserves the right to not make available certain data on this WHOIS search enquiry.

You are not authorised to use high-volume, electronic or automated processes to access, query or harvest data from this WHOIS search enquiry service.

You agree that you will not and will not allow anyone else to:

a. use the data for mass unsolicited commercial advertising of any sort via any media including telephone, email or fax; or

b. enable high volume, automated or electronic processes that apply to HKDNR or its computer systems including the WHOIS search enquiry service; or

c. without the prior written consent of HKDNR compile, repackage, disseminate, disclose to any third party or use the data for a purpose other than obtaining information about a domain name registration record; or

d. use such data to derive an economic benefit for yourself.

HKIRC in its sole discretion may terminate your access to the WHOIS search enquiry service (including but not limited to blocking your IP address) at any time due to, including but not limited to, excessive use of the WHOIS search enquiry service.

HKDNR may modify these terms of use at any time by publishing the modified terms of use on its website.

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